【Sybase】You cannot run the non-logged version of bulk copy in this database的解决办法

    在新建的数据库上bcp in数据的时候出现了一下的错误提示:

    Starting copy...
    Server Message:  - Msg 4806, Level 16, State 1:
    You cannot run the non-logged version of bulk copy in this database. Please check with the DBO.
    Server Message:  - Msg 3621, Level 10, State 0:
    Command has been aborted.
    CTLIB Message:  - L1/O3/S0/N14/0/0:
    blk_init(): blk layer: CT library error: Failed when CT_Lib routine ct_results() called.
    blk_init failed.
    bcp copy in failed

    原因为数据库没有启用bulk copy选项,解决办法如下:

    1> use master
    2> go
    1> sp_dboption test,"select into/bulkcopy", true
    2> go
    Database option 'select into/bulkcopy/pllsort' turned ON for database 'test'.
    Running CHECKPOINT on database 'test' for option 'select into/bulkcopy/pllsort' to take effect.
    (return status = 0)
    1> use test
    2> go
    1> checkpoint
    2> go

    其中test为bcp in操作对应的数据库名称

    复制或转载请以超链接形式注明转自枫芸志,原文地址《【Sybase】You cannot run the non-logged version of bulk copy in this database的解决办法

