拿Beyond Compare来对比一下WP 2.8.5和WP 2.8.5-IIS普通版,发现两点不同:
USE PlaceholderForDbName; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS add_user ; CREATE PROCEDURE add_user() BEGIN DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR 1044 BEGIN END; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON PlaceholderForDbName.* to 'PlaceholderForDbUsername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PlaceholderForDbPassword'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; END ; CALL add_user() ; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS add_user ;
<!-- wp-version 2.8.5 --> <MSDeploy.iisApp> <iisApp path="wordpress"/> <dbmysql path="install.sql" /> <setAcl path="wordpress/wp-content" setAclUser="anonymousAuthenticationUser" setAclAccess="Modify" /> <alias from="wordpress/wp-config-sample.php" to="wordpress/wp-config.php" /> </MSDeploy.iisApp>
<parameters> <!-- WordPress parameters.xml file This file has been updated to incorporate a number of improvements since the original was released with the WebPI and WebDeploy Release Candidates. These improvements will be available with the RTW versions of the WebPI and WebDeploy. There will be commentary at each section to describe the changes and why they were made. All of the additional functionality described here, and available with the RTW, is documented as part of the updated Web Application Packaging Guide. --> <!-- One of the new features provides for localization of text strings within the parameters.xml file. This localization can be applied to "description" and "friendlyName" attributes of a parameter. There are ten (10) well known parameters which are identified by their tags. For these ten (10) parameters, the Web Deployment Tool will automatically generate the correct description and friendly name for each of ten (10) locales. These locales and the details of the translation mechanism are documented in the updated Packaging Guide. NOTE: If a well known parameter has a description or a friendlyName set, the Web Deployment Tool will not apply any default text. NOTE: There are a few parameters for WordPress which are not in the list of well known parameters. These parameters have English descriptions and friendlyNames only. Please refer to the updated Packaging Guide for information on providing additional translations for these parameters. --> <!-- The Application Path parameter is one of the ten well known parameters which have descriptions and friendly names automatically available. --> <parameter name="AppPath" defaultValue="Default Web Site/wordpress" tags="iisapp" > <parameterEntry type="ProviderPath" scope="iisapp" match="wordpress" /> </parameter> <!-- Database Parameters The tags provided here tells the UI being used what type of parameter this is. The UI can then construct an appropriate dialog for the database parameters, or fill them in if the user doesn't need to provide them --> <!-- This parameter prompts the user for the database server name. Note that this parameter has only one parameterEntry element. This parameter is used with the configuration file and the connection string. It is not used within the SQL script itself like some of the other parameters are. --> <parameter name="DbServer" defaultValue="localhost" tags="MySQL,dbServer" > <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" match="localhost" /> </parameter> <!-- This parameter prompts the user for the database name. We have set a validation RegEx on this parameter, as MySQL will not accept a username that has more than 16 characters. --> <parameter name="DbName" defaultValue="wordpress" tags="MySQL,dbName" > <parameterValidation type="RegularExpression" validationString="^\w{1,16}$" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="install.sql" match="PlaceholderForDbName" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" match="putyourdbnamehere" /> </parameter> <!-- This parameter prompts the user for the database username. We have set a validation RegEx on this parameter, as MySQL will not accept a username that has more than 16 characters. --> <parameter name="DbUsername" defaultValue="wordpressuser" tags="MySQL,DbUsername" > <parameterValidation type="RegularExpression" validationString="^\w{1,16}$" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="install.sql" match="PlaceholderForDbUsername" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" match="usernamehere" /> </parameter> <!-- This parameter prompts the user for the database user's password. --> <parameter name="DbPassword" tags="New,Password,MySQL,DbUserPassword" > <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="install.sql" match="PlaceholderForDbPassword" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" match="yourpasswordhere" /> </parameter> <!-- Prompts for the admin creds and uses it for the administrator connection string. This is used to create a login and assign permissions. The MySQL tag indicates it is a parameter required for MySQL. The DbAdminUsername tag indicates it should be used when the user is creating a new database. If they're not, it can be filled in with the DbUsername value. The UI should be able to figure out whether or not the user needs to be prompted for this. --> <parameter name="DbAdminUsername" defaultValue="root" tags="MySQL,DbAdminUsername" > </parameter> <!-- Prompts for the admin password and uses it for the administrator connection string. --> <parameter name="DbAdminPassword" description="Password for the database administrator account." tags="Password,MySQL,DbAdminPassword" > </parameter> <!-- This is the hidden admin connection string used to run the database scripts. Note that this connection string is just used here, and will probably be different from the connection string that is used by the application itself. The "Validate" tag tells the WebPI to validate that this Connection String works prior to performing the rest of the installation. --> <parameter name="Connection String" defaultValue="Server={DbServer};Database={DbName};uid={DbAdminUsername};Pwd={DbAdminPassword};" tags="Hidden,MySQLConnectionString,Validate,MySQL" > <parameterEntry type="ProviderPath" scope="dbmysql" match="install.sql" /> </parameter> <!-- WordPress specific parameters --> <!-- There were a number of parameters which relied on the TextFilePosition parameterEntry type to define the section of a file to be replaced. The TextFilePosition type is considered fragile, as any change to the target file that occurs before the text to be replaced will invalidate the position. We are now using TextFile, which relies on a Regular Expression (RegEx) to identify the text to change. There are some parameters, where the text to be replaced is not unique enough to target on it's own. In those cases, we used RegExes with Lookbehind constructs to uniquely identify the text segment to be replaced. --> <parameter name="Key1" friendlyName="Unique Key for Passwords" description="Unique phrase used to strengthen your password." defaultValue="put your unique phrase here" tags="PHP" > <parameterValidation type="RegularExpression" validationString="^[^'\\]+$" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" match="(?<=AUTH_KEY', ')put your unique phrase here" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" /> </parameter> <parameter name="Key2" friendlyName="Unique Key for Secure Passwords" description="Different unique phrase used to strengthen SSL passwords." defaultValue="put your unique phrase here" tags="PHP" > <parameterValidation type="RegularExpression" validationString="^[^'\\]+$" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" match="(?<=SECURE_AUTH_KEY', ')put your unique phrase here" /> </parameter> <parameter name="Key3" friendlyName="Unique Key for Authentication" description="Different unique phrase used to strengthen authentication." defaultValue="put your unique phrase here" tags="PHP" > <parameterValidation type="RegularExpression" validationString="^[^'\\]+$" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" match="(?<=LOGGED_IN_KEY', ')put your unique phrase here" /> </parameter> <parameter name="Key4" friendlyName="Second Unique Key for Authentication" description="Another unique phrase used to strengthen authentication." defaultValue="put your unique phrase here" tags="PHP" > <parameterValidation type="RegularExpression" validationString="^[^'\\]+$" /> <parameterEntry type="TextFile" scope="wordpress\\wp-config.php" match="(?<=NONCE_KEY', ')put your unique phrase here" /> </parameter> <!-- Set the correct path for the ACL based on the AppPath selected by the user. --> <parameter name="SetAclParameter1" defaultValue="{AppPath}/wp-content" tags="Hidden" > <parameterEntry type="ProviderPath" scope="setAcl" match="wordpress/wp-content" /> </parameter> </parameters>